Schlagwort-Archive: Grindcore

Playlist Samstag, 12.03.22

Sa., 12.03. 22
20:00 Uhr

DJ Don Hugo Armani

Asphyx- the rack
Vader – an act of darkness
Bolt thrower – plague bearer
Keitzer – as the world burns
Obscurity – schicksal der götter
Akrea – Tribock
Marduk – Frontschwein
Immortal – damned in black
Kalmah – swampwar
Herbstnebel – ein traum entfacht
Wiegedood – kwaad bloed
Coffins – under the stench


Morbid Evils – Pollute
Deicide – in the minds of evil
Benediction – the crooked man
Dying fetus – grotesquer implament
Strafplanet -klassenfeind
Takafumi matsubara- dignity
Nuclear devastation – abandon all hope
Necros christos – i am christ
Taake – myr
Schrat – Blutmondritus
Dödsrit – Svart aska
Celeste – au feu le savoir

DJ Razakeel


Bestia Arcana – Obscurator
Misþyrming – Endalokasálmar
Shrine of Insanabilis – Hamartia
Judas Iscariot – Bathed in Clouds of Blood
Marras – My cold Grave
Ondskapt – Lord of all unclear Spirits
Svartsyn – Sanctus Satanas
Gorgoroth – Maneskyggens Slave
Thorns – Stellar Master Elite
Zorn – E..
Norrhem – Sota


Marduk – Wartheland
Drudkh – When the Flame turns to Ashes
Vorga – Starless Sky
Acherontas – Kiss the Blood
The Ruins of Beverast – Ropes into Eden
Hexenbrett – Sadist
Bog Body – The Gate of Grief

DJ Situationsbedingte Reinheit

trepaneringsritualen – death and extasy
cranial – dark
torsofuck – by elephants
heamorrhage – decom-posers
deranged – multilate and dump you
debauchery – thunderbeast
dimmu borgir – mourning palace
lifelover – myspys
wolves in the throne room – subterrranean initiation
ic rex – ikuisen tuskan hybris
heretic – i bring chaos
i – the storm i ride
divine empire – the mauler
fleshgod apocalypse – the violation
woods of infinity – första augusti
minenwerfer – cloaked in silence
mayhem – deathcrush

DJ Razakeel

Misþyrming – Orgia
Winterfylleth – Ensigns of Victory
Gehenna – The shivering Voice of the Ghost
Diocletian – Wreched Sons
Revenge – Blood of my Blood
Urfaust – Ein leeres Zauberspiel
Absu – Pillars of Mercy
Plaga – Traby Zaglady Cz. li

Playlist Sa. 13.11.21

Samstag 13.11.21

20h Dreisterne DJ Popov

starring janet leigh – wrath
the faceless -akeldama
brain drill – swine slaughter
mascabre – fritz haarman der metzger
hypocrisy – the 4th dimension
morbid evils – in hate
asphyx – the rack
cranial – dark
amon amarth – death in fire
legion of the damned – werewolf corpse

in flames – free fall
hackneyed – gut candy
illdisposed – fear bill gates
dimmu borgir – the serpentine offering
cradle of filth – her ghost in the fog
carach angren – bitte tötet mich
lifelover – androider
bathory – the lake
deicide – serpents of the light
morbid angel – chapel of ghouls
obituary – slowly we rot
death – scream bloody gore
six feet under – war is coming

grave – in love
nasum – can de lach
gadget – enemy of rason
gets worse – el belcho
martyrdöd – antagonisten
antigama – reward or punishment
malevolent creation – SAME
bolt thrower – anti tank
dismember – skin her alive
– mini eiszeit special –
necrophobic – frozen empire
dissection – frozen
mayhem – freezing moon
1349 – pitch black
imperium dekadenz – der dolch im gewande

falkenbach – the heathenish forray
der weg einer freiheit – ewigkeit
necrophagist – stabwound
aborted – arise deranged – multilate and dump you
decapitated – homo sum

Agent Orange

Arroganz – morsus
runemagick – enter the realm of death
taphos – thrine in upheaval
necros christos – necromantique nun
shrine of insanabilis – vertex
paysage d’hiver – äschä
darkthrone – quintessence


coffins – corpse parade
khold – nattpyre
armagedda – refuse the blood of jesus
sacroscum – drugs and death
mörser – kirchgang
feaces christ – spit bath
dropdead – those who we deny
repulsion – acid bath
napalm death – c.s.
terrorizer – fear of napalm
morbid angel – immortal rites
maruta – genocide interval
gridlink – the last raven
feastem – the rope calls your name
gall – video hallucination
gulch – r.s.a
bathtub shitter – shit fly
harm – coutner clock
brutal truth – h.o.p.e.
six brew bantha – violence fuels hatred
makkmat – kvesta
gadget – leather of the rat pack
brainwasher – polxmepheus
internal rot – eaten by crabs
p.l.f. – anti humanistic cult
wojczech – holz
chepang – bhramit
test – o sol
code error – II
beg – show me xour stump
yacopsae – misanthrop
shitgrinder – noose neck


dead instrument – burning uniform
pig destroyer – hyperviolet
full of hell – branches of yew
dying fetus – panic amongst the herd
anaal nathrakh – the oblivion gene
pungent stench – why can the bodies fly
possessed – fallen angel
celtic frost – dethroned emperor
sarcophago – alcoholic coma
entombed – supposed to rot
konvent – ropes pt II
amenra – the pain it is shapeless
thorrs hammer – norge

exit 13 – stoney monday